Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Just a little note...

We always hope that by having an exhibition we will encourage new people to come and meet our group and hopefully join. It's already looking like we'll have around 5 new visitors to our March meeting which is fanastic and I'm looking forward to meeting them all.

Like everyone else I always have a long list of things to do in my spare time and weekends so sometimes it can be hard to commit to a monthly meeting, but I cherish the days when I know I can leave the housework and shopping behind and I have a day to do what I love with a group that feels the same way. It's pure escapism!

alison x

Saturday, 14 February 2009

February Meeing - update

Well today was our Feb meeting but unfortunately our tutor Sarah was unable to come through illness.

However, our day wasn't wasted as we had our AGM meeting and a new possible member come for a morning session, in the afternoon Shirley and Bernice gave a demonstration of their brush lettering which we all had a go at and followed on with trying our hand at using chisel edged wood!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

February Meeting

Our next meeting is coming up this weekend (Feb 14th!)

We are lucky to have a tutor coming to this session - Sarah Colgate, who is going to hold a Pen and Wash workshop with us.

I'm looking forward to this session a lot as it's so useful to be able to create simple washes and backgrounds for calligraphy and it can transform how a piece looks.

I'll post some photos after the day to hopefully show what we produce.